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Below are the environment/software prerequisites to successfully run aqishare (Data Exchange). It also lists the necessary requirements.


Make sure aqishare, SAP and the storage system are available in the same network, or connected through a VPN.

aqishare (Data Exchange)

To successfully run aqishare, the following requirements must be fulfilled:


  • SAP ECC 6.0 (or up to latest) with at least SAP GUI 7.30
  • SAP S/4HANA (build 2009 or up to latest) with at least SAP GUI 7.40
  • SAP dialog user with at least the following permissions:
    • T-code OAC0 - to create new SAP Content Repositories
    • T-codes OAC2, OAC3 - to create related ArchiveLink customization
    • T-code FB03 - to test the ArchiveLink interface for Finance documents (or access to any other related SAP module)
    • T-code OAM1- to access the ArchiveLink Monitor with further customization options, such as Barcode
  • SAP system user who is able to:
    • Invoke BAPIs via RFC connection
    • Invoke OData services

Content Repositories

Check the requirements for the desired Content Repository where you want to enable Data Exchange through aqishare.

Hyland Nuxeo

To exchange metadata between SAP and Nuxeo, the following prerequisites should be met:

  • Nuxeo LTS 2021
  • Nuxeo LTS 2023
  • Separate Nuxeo user only used for the SAP integration (recommended)

Microsoft SharePoint Online

  • Permission to manage a site
  • Access to deploy the content model using PnP-PowerShell Commandlets
  • Active Microsoft Azure Subscription and administrator access to the Entra ID Portal (formerly known as Azure AD Portal).