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Application Start

With all files and configurations from the previous sections ready, it's time to start the container based on the downloaded image. This chapter will guide you through the process of running aqishare within the Docker container runtime.


To start the container in any runtime other than Docker, the steps may vary and will need to be adapted accordingly.

Gathering Necessary Files

To make aqishare work with the desired configuration, the files and folders that have been adapted and created in the previous chapters should be mapped into their corresponding directories inside the container. Refer to the file mapping below to find the detailed mapping table.


We suggest collecting all required files and folders in a newly created separate folder, mapping its contents to the related paths in the container, and using it as the single source of truth for any further configurations related to the container.

Create a new folder and copy the following elements into it:

  • The /configs/ folder with all the configuration files that have been created and adapted.
    Refer to Configuration Files.
  • The private key file of the generated key pair for password encryption/decryption.
    Refer to Password Encryption.
  • The downloaded SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK files for linux_x86.
    Refer to SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK.

The structure of the folder should look like:

Base folder for mapping

File Mapping

The required file and folder mapping to run the container.

Path on Local MachinePath in ContainerDescription
/configs/app/configsMap the configuration files.
Refer to Overview of File Structure.
/sap/linux_x64/nwrfcsdk/etc/local/sap/nwrfcsdkMap the SAP RFC SDK Files.
Refer to SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK.
privateKey.pem/app/configs/privateKey.pemMap the private key file for password encryption.
Refer to chapter Password Encryption, also refer to setting privateKeyPath in the app.yaml.

Docker Compose

The following example demonstrates the mapping based on the table above using a Docker compose.yaml file.

- ./configs:/app/configs
- ./sap/linux_x64/nwrfcsdk:/etc/local/sap/nwrfcsdk
- ./privateKey.pem:/app/configs/privateKey.pem
restart: always

image: redis
restart: always

image: hibiken/asynqmon
restart: always
- REDIS_ADDR=redis:6379

Now start the container using the docker-compose command as followed:

Windows PowerShell
docker-compose -f compose.yaml up -d

Refer to the next chapter Configuration to deep dive into the various configuration options of aqishare.